Can Art Classes Help Your Kid?

Researchers have been conducting researches for quite some time on the effect of art classes that is seen on the kids. It has been seen that future career growth and success is determined by the way the art education is imparted and it can also work as a ground work for basic lifestyle that the kid would follow. Art classes for kids Thornhill has seen to do wonders when it comes to has seen to do wonders when it comes to make the kid more creative, have a full blown knowledge of the world. These classes are also seen to give the children a means to become expressive and also strengthen their self-esteem.

Art lessons Vaughan has been seen to greatly help the children greatly in getting their creative edge out. It is observed that children have naturally deep curiosity when it comes to art and craft when they are introduced to it at a young age. It is a common misconception that people are born with the skill that is needed to excel in the field of art be it music, dancing, painting or any other form. This is not true that the skill is genetic, this is developed by sheer will power and encouragement. Art education also helps the children in expressing their desires and thoughts in a much nicer way.

Along with their creativity the children are also seen to have an increase in their concentration. When properly encouraged, children are seen to develop an uncanny focus for art and this is when you can be sure that they have developed their concentration to a much better level. Interest in the art forms also encourages the children to ignore the distractions and focus on the task at hand. It has been seen that pottery classes Woodbridge also helps in improving the coordination of the children who have enrolled in the art classes. As the child transfers the images of what he wants to achieve with the clay, his hand and eye coordination improves as they learn to work together. These classes develop this coordination as a fun activity in the beginning but as the time progresses, this eventually comes as a second nature for your kid. Painting classes Vaughan not only provides the children with a way to improve their skill but also gives them a platform where they can get the feel of what success tastes like.

Ask the schoolchildren to paint the murals "Black Life Matters" for downtown Madison

 I'm reading "Painting murals gives students empowering role in protest movement" (Wisconsin State Journal):

 As murals were being painted at the end of the school year, SJ Hemmerich, art teacher at Randall Elementary School, created a slide presentation of them. Hemmerich then presented it to students and as a last assignment asked , “If you could design your own mural for (Black Lives Matter), what would it be?” Then Hemmerich got the idea of why not do it for real.

    Hemmerich, like other teachers, reached out to “Black and brown students” to get involved. Hemmerich got permission to work on one large mural and five panels located near each other. ... Hemmerich also sent an email out to art teachers in the Madison School District to recruit more help beyond Randall and wound up with more than 135 students and some staff members.

    “I am really passionate about social justice work,” Hemmerich said. “I thought it would be a really good way to get students involved.”...

    Monique Karlen, art teacher at La Follette High School, said she started by recruiting some of her students and then got other help from students from Middleton and East high schools...

The only mention of parents in the article is about one student who said that her parents worry about her participation in the protests, so the mural-painting is a good, safe alternative. But I don't think teachers should be recruiting children to engage in political activism — even if it's artistic — without first involving the parents and getting their consent. I don't think adults should put any sort of pressure on children to take a political position and to do political work — even if it's artwork. Teachers should not be exploiting their access to children for any political purpose. They are given access to our children for the purpose of education, and it is a solemn trust that should never be violated.

Tips to Improve Academics of a Child

The learning capability varies from child to child. To enable kids to make conceptual changes in thinking, the teacher should make learning fun, building lectures in story formats. This will help them regain and recall the academic information increasing learning efficiency. Research shows that actively participating in your child's nurturing can boost the learning abilities rather than your own qualification or amount of money the family makes.
Create a positive impact on the child's academic performance by following the ways mentioned below:
Encourage and introduce your child to different learning styles:
Help your child become aware of different fundamental learning styles like Audio, Visual, Verbal, Logical, and Social. Guide him through his preferred learning style, it can be a dominant or a mixture of learning styles.
2. Focus on your child's interest:
If you want your child to ace in academics, help him explore various subjects and topics of his interest. If your child seems to be interested in football, take a personal interest in helping him learn football.
3. Make academics easier through game-based learning:
Games, when used as an educational tool, can turn to create new horizons for kids. It provides opportunities for the development of non-cognitive skills and deeper learnings. It provides motivation to kids for term-based learnings favourable in a classroom setting.
4. Focus on learning not performance:
Focus on learning will give your child the opportunity to solidify his learnings by putting it in his own words. Instead of being concerned about your child's performance and the result, make him understand that actual learning is more important than the test grades. This will boost the confidence and learning capabilities in your child.
5. Create a learning space at home:
Set up an environment more adaptable for concentration that is free from all distractions like loud music, TV noise, toys is important. Also, keeping them away from mobile phones, browsing the internet in this technological era while performing a particular task can help in child's concentration.
6. Celebrate Achievements:
It is important for kids to get proper recognition for strengthening the fundamentals of better learning capabilities. It is very important to recognize small-small achievements and celebrate them. This will act as a motivating factor for your child's learning.
7. Create an environment open for communication:
Encourage an environment where your child is comfortable expressing his likes and dislikes. Validate your child's opinion in a decision even if you disagree, this will create an environment that is open and free learning.
Go about making every day a learning day. This will motivate the child to explore the world around him creating new opportunities and connections. Also, make them understand that being their parents you are always up to learning new things, this will motivate them to find possibilities of learnings from all the new happenings around. Open gates for your child to learn and explore wherever they are may it be home or a classroom.
One of the Pioneers in this field is BRAINY - A division of Brain Child Learning which helps in Brain Training for Children in the age group of 6 to 16-years-old. They have a methodology of Training which Involves Meditation / Digitised Music - to open new neural pathways in the brain and Neurobic Exercises which help the mind stay agile and alert. The Blended training provides all round development of the brain with multiple benefits.
Since this program works on the Cognitive skills of Memory, Focus, Concentration and control of brain waves hence it helps in the academics of the child.

Why Should You Choose Daycare Castle Hill For Your Children

Taking care of the kids is one of the most difficult tasks for the working parents. Your children need your complete attention but at the same time, you cannot ignore the call of duty as well. In order to provide complete attention to the children, you may better plan to send them to the childcare units like daycare Castle Hill.

Why childcare units
The childcare units try to create the home like atmosphere for the kids. Usually, the children cannot get quickly settled at a place outside their home during the earlier stages of their lives. Therefore, the experts need to create the proper area to generate interests among the children. How will they do that? In order to make the children attracted to the daycare system, the experts in the childcare units need to make the place perfect for the kids. From a young age to the age of 12 years, the childcare process continues. It is easier for the childcare officials to take care of the bigger kids but younger ones are difficult to control. Here, most of the parents are cautious regarding taking care of the children between the age group of 6 weeks to 5 years. If you read the childcare toddler care blogs of daycare Granville, you will get the chance to learn how the experts take care of the little kids there in the units.

Can children properly get to sleep in the childcare?
Parents do not ask such a question all the times, but it is an important factor to notice. The kids need proper sleep and the childcare officials need to ensure that. The childcare officials of daycare Liverpool take care of the kids in a proper way and ensure that the younger ones get ample time to sleep. Sleeping, alongside many other tasks is a crucial matter for the perfect growth of the children. In order to grow up in a proper way, the children (aged 6 weeks to 5 years) need sleeping and the experts associated with childcare units, ensure that the kids get the enough sleep alongside timely feeding. At home, when the parents are away, childcare professionals take care of the kids and try to provide the best services to them.
What is better - nanny or childcare?
It is better not to hand over your kids to the nanny or a singular person at your household when you are not around. It is wise to send them into childcare units. In the units, there are more experts, who can control the kids in proper way. In fact, as a parent you can shed your tensions regarding the matters of taking care of your little ones. Therefore, sending children to daycare Liverpool will be wise rather than appointing nannies.
Finally, it is better to mention that as the kids centres in the Liverpool or Granville area can take better care for your children, it will be better for you to send your kids there. The experts of daycare Castle Hill will take care of their basic needs of the kids while they will get the chance to learn the basic lessons to be school ready.

Meaning of children’s human rights education

Meaning of children's human rights education

Children's rights education is education where the rights of the child, as described in the Convention, is taught and practiced in individual classrooms. But in its most developed form, children’s rights are taught and practiced in a systematic and comprehensive way across grade levels, across the school, and across school districts. With full-blown children’s rights education, children’s rights are not simply an addition to a particular subject or classroom. Rather, the rights of the child are incorporated into the school curricula, teaching practices, and teaching materials across subjects and grade levels and are the centerpiece of school mission statements, behavior codes, and school policies and practices.

Fully developed children’s rights education means that all members of the school community receive education on the rights of the child. The Convention serves as a values framework for the life and functioning of the school or educational institution and for efforts to promote a more positive school climate and school culture for learning.
A core belief in children’s rights education is that when children learn about their own basic human rights, this learning serves as an important foundation for their understanding and support of human rights more broadly.


Homeschooling high school can be challenging enough to undertake with normal high school kids, but throw in a student who is significantly advanced or gifted, and some parents might be tempted to call it quits! How can you keep up with a kid who’s studying statistics, anatomy and physiology, and Greek, and asking for more?! Both my sons were gifted, so I know how difficult this can be. Fortunately, there are some practical things you can do to make the process easier and more manageable.


The first strategy that I find useful is called “acceleration,” which means that you allow your children to work faster. This strategy requires you to let go of the whole parent-teach-the-student model, because your job is not just to teach your children; your job is to help your children learn how to teach themselves. Fortunately, there will be times when you realize your child already knows a subject, perhaps because they have learned it by osmosis, so you can spend less time on that subject.
At high school level, it’s important to remember that when your child finishes a standard curriculum, you can give them high school credit for it. You don’t have to make them sit in front of you as the teacher for 150 hours before you give them credit for a course. As soon as they’re done with a curriculum and know the material, go ahead and give them the high school credit. There’s no rule that requires them to spend 150 hours studying something in order to earn a credit.
You can also skip unnecessary activities in a curriculum. If your child doesn’t need the activities in order to learn the information, it’s okay to skip those, as long as they’re learning. It’s also okay to administer a pretest for a subject, and simply skip the information they already know, or you can work fast through a curriculum and find out what they know first, and then move ahead.
When you don’t use acceleration, and you work at the usual standard pace that children are used to, it can induce boredom. When people tell me they’re struggling with a lack of motivation in their teenagers, or their kids hate school or they’re bored, often it’s because their student is moving at too slow a pace.
Make sure to assess your child’s level first, and begin a curriculum at the point where they will actually learn new information. In this way, you allow them to learn at their own level, and remove those artificial barriers to how much they’re allowed to learn. The result will be a student who’s more interested in what they’re learning, and more motivated to pursue their studies.

Charter schools are the best way to wipe out educational disparity

Such conflicting opinions have led to bitter controversies that have raged for years. But my new book, “Charter Schools and Their Enemies,” features hard facts about educational outcomes in more than a hundred individually identified New York City schools.
These schools are listed by name so that parents, officials and anyone interested in the education of children can make their own comparisons.
What all these particular schools have in common is that charter-school students and traditional public-school students are educated in the same buildings and take the same tests in mathematics and English every year. The results of these tests are listed for each of these schools, along with information on their students’ backgrounds.
Here are some basic facts:
In these buildings, 14 percent of traditional public-school classes had a majority of their students achieve a level defined as “proficient” in English for their grade level by the New York State Education Department.
Meanwhile, 65 percent of charter-school classes in those same buildings had a majority of their students achieve the “proficient“ level on the same test. That’s nearly a five-to-one disparity.
On the mathematics test, just 10 percent of the classes in these traditional public schools had a majority of their students achieve a “proficient” level. But 68 percent of charter-school classes in the same buildings had a majority of their students achieve a “proficient” level. That’s nearly a seven-to-one disparity.
No wonder most critics of charter schools, and defenders of traditional public schools, want to argue on the basis of rhetoric.
They don’t want to argue on the basis of facts about test results.
One common example of misleading rhetoric is an often-repeated statement that — nationwide — charter schools “as a whole“ do not perform any better than traditional public schools “as a whole.“


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